Brigid of Sweden

On the Bishop

Introduction by Ruth Meyer

Brigid of Sweden says: “[These are] the words of the faith of the bride to Christ. They are how John the baptist brought to the bride certainty of Christ, who was speaking to him, and about the happiness of the good rich man, and how the indiscreet bishop, on account of his foolishness and his wicked life, acted like an ape."That rich man, who was in such a state that he feared that something of his was acquired by evil means, and who was worried lest his goods be spent uselessly and against God. He, as he unwillingly possessed his possessions and the esteem of the world, freely desired to be separated from them. He was disturbed about the loss of souls and the dishonoring of God, and although he was compelled to have something elegant from his divine stewardship, nevertheless he still concentrated with all his heart on the love of God. This rich man, being of such a kind, is a fortunate and happy rich man, and dear to God."”

Original Latin