Avicenna on Prophetic Dreams

Excerpted from De anima 4.2

Introduction by Dimitri Gutas

Forthcoming, 2011.


Contingit autem aliquibus hominibus quod haec virtus imaginativa sit creata in illis fortissima et praevalens, ita ut non dominentur ei sensus nec formalis resistat ei, et quod anima eorum sit fortissima, ita quod propter hoc quod contemplatur intellectum et id quod est supra intellectum, non destruatur eius condescensio ad sensus. However, it happens to some people that this imaginative faculty is born in them very strong and dominant, to such a degree that the senses do not control it nor the formal [faculty] resist it, and, because their spirit is very strong, it is such that its access to the senses is not blocked on account of that which the intellect and what is above the intellect understand. GI

Isti habent in vigiliis quod alii in somnis, sicut postea dicemus: haec enim est dispositio dormientis dum apprehendit visiones, ut certificentur ei aut ita ut sunt, aut per imagines quas habent; istis quoque accidunt talia in vigiliis. These people have in their waking hours what others have in dreams, as we will say later on; for this is the condition of the sleeper while he perceives visions, that they seem real to him either as they are, or through the images which they contain. Such things happen to these people when they are awake as well. EI
Saepe enim inter utrumque istorum contingit eos in ultimo absentari a sensibilibus et accidit eis quasi dormitatio. For often among both [kinds] it happens that they are remote from sensible things, and something like sleep happens to them. EII
Et multotiens non accidit, et multotiens vident rem sicuti est, et multotiens apparet eius imago propter causam enim qua imaginatur in dormiente imago rei quae videtur, sicut postea declarabimus; multotiens apparet similitudo et videtur eis quod id quod apprehendunt sit locutio illius imaginis veluti verba audita quae tenent et legunt. Et haec est propria prophetia virtutis imaginativae; sunt autem hic aliae prophetiae quae declarabuntur. Often it does not happen, often they see a thing just as it is, and often its image appears, for the reason that an image of a thing which is seen is imagined by a sleeper, as we will discuss later. Often a simulacrum appears and it seems to them that what they perceive is a speech by that image, just like heard words that they comprehend and retain. And this is the prophetic [ability] belonging to the imaginative faculty; there are also other prophetic [abilities] here which will be discussed. EIII

Etymology Exercise I

1.  While his brothers and sisters slept soundly, the poor young man was tortured by insomnia
2.  Who is bold enough to apprehend me after such a daring feat? 
3.  The man was seeking vigilant guards for his bank. 
4.  Don't mind his cold exterior - he is of a gentle disposition
5.  How can it be an accident if there is evidence of premeditation? 

Etymology Exericse II

Which of the following words are derived from the adjective ultimus?


Etymology Exercise III

having many feet: multiped
many processes: multistage
a number that increases another: multiplier
a school with many schools: multiversity
having many extremities: multipolar
attacking in several directions: multipronged
a building with many theaters: multiplex   

Grammar I: Result Clauses

Turn the following sets of statements into result clauses.

1. Virtus imaginativa est fortissima in aliis hominibus, ut imagines in somniis eis videantur veras esse.
2. In aliis autem hominibus, sensus ita fortes sunt, ut solum res veras cognoscant.
3. Virtus imaginativa erat fortissima in aliis hominibus, ut imagines in somniis eis viderentur veras esse.
4. Philosophus ita longe locutus est ut dormirem.
5. Philosophus male dormiebat, ut postero die fatigaretur | fatigatus sit.

Grammar II: Dative of Indirect Object

Fill in the correct form of the words below.

1. Sensus plurium hominum praepositi sunt virtuti imaginativae.
2. Non possum resistere imaginibus falsis cum dormio, sed vigilans eis dominor.
3. Contingit mihi quod fessus sum cum multa somnia mihi accidunt dormienti.
4. Imagines accidunt aliquibus hominibus non solum dormientibus sed etiam vigilantibus.
5. Imago apparuit mihi dormienti, et mihi videbatur veram esse.