
On Farming

Latin Etymology

Quidquid ergo deliciarum habet agricultura, tunc utique longe amplius erat, quando nihil accidebat adversi vel terrae vel coelo. Non erat enim laboris afflictio, sed exhilaratio voluntatis, cum ea quae Deus creavit humani operis adiutorio laetius feraciusque provenirent, unde Creator ipse uberius laudaretur, qui animae in corpore animali constitutae rationem dedisset operandi ac facultatem, quantum animae volentis satis esset, non quantum invitum indigentia corporis cogeret.

Use the English words below, related to the bolded Latin words above, to fill in the blanks in the following English sentences.  Use the Latin words for clues about the meanings of the English words.


1. The last batch of apples were not quite ripe but these are !

2. She questioned the authority of a political body whose  was entirely conservatives.

3. When we lose the  of sight, we must rely more heavily on touch.

4. This does not look like a lot of food- are you sure it will be ?

5. I apologized to the doctor for kneeing him, but it's not like a reflex is .

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