Thomas Aquinas

On God's Knowledge

Latin Etymology

Uno modo, in seipso, secundum quod iam actu est. Et sic non consideratur ut futurum, sed ut praesens, neque ut ad utrumlibet contingens, sed ut determinatum ad unum. Et propter hoc, sic infallibiliter subdi potest certae cognitioni, utpote sensui visus, sicut cum video Socratem sedere. Alio modo potest considerari contingens, ut est in sua causa. Et sic consideratur ut futurum, et ut contingens nondum determinatum ad unum, quia causa contingens se habet ad opposita. Et sic contingens non subditur per certitudinem alicui cognitioni.

Use the following English words, derived from the bolded English vocabulary above, to fill in the blanks in the following paragraph. Refer to the meaning of the Latin words if you are unsure about the words below.


Although I fill my days with instruction at , I was once a practicing medical doctor. Over time, however, I grew weary of the that plagues such a profession. As a doctor, everyone expects you to be but, in reality, we are powerless over most things and the ultimate lies with a higher power. After I retired, I enjoyed a lifestyle for some months before again returning to work. But this time, my office would lie within a university, not a hospital.

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