On Human Thought |
Excerpted from Commentum magnum super libro de celo et mundo Aristotelis |
And he said 'the highest understanding,' because the master of this faculty is concerned also with matters beyond those, namely about the void and infinity and about place and things similar to it from among those mentioned in the aforementioned book; and he intended, by 'understanding,' certain understanding, and by 'nature,' natural things, and he intended by 'knowledge,' demonstrating that certain knowledge which is acquired through demonstration. And it seems to us that the name of 'understanding' and 'knowledge' are not said to be synonyms, since a demonstrable doctrine does not use such names: he meant therefore by 'understanding,' realizing a concept, and by 'knowledge,' faith, or he meant by 'understanding,' the first understanding, and by 'knowledge' the subsequent understanding from the first understanding, namely the one acquired through reason. On account of which he said 'the knowledge which demonstrates it,' and not 'the knowledge of it.' Et bene potes scire ex aliis libris quomodo Naturalis considerat in magnitudinibus et quomodo Mathematicus: Mathematicus enim considerat in eis quae sunt abstractae a materia, Naturalis autem secundum quod sunt ultima materie, ut determinatum est in aliis locis. Deinde dixit Et in principiis cuiuscumque assimilati isti nature, idest et Naturales etiam considerant in sua consideratione in corporibus naturalibus et in accidentibus eorum in causis omnium istorum scilicet in causis corporum et accidentium: scientia enim modorum naturalium et consequentium eorum non completur nisi per scientiam causarum. Deinde dixit Et quedam sunt principia habentium corpora et magnitudinem, intendendo quod causarum quedam sunt cause simplicium, ut materia et forma, et quedam cause compositorum ut elementa ex quibus componuntur res consimilium partium; et intendebat monstrare per hoc quod Naturalis considerat in duobus modis corporum naturalium scilicet simplicium et compositorum, et dat causas eorum et causas accidentium eorum. |