Richard Rufus of Cornwall

On the Agent Intellect

Latin Etymology

Consequenter autem determinat de intellectu agente in comparatione ad intellectum possibilem.  Et intendit tres differentias, quarum duae primae solum videntur differe secundum rationem, quarum prima est talis: Intelligere ipsius intellectus agentis est semper simul cum ipso agente; sed intelligere ipsius intellectus possibilis non simul est cum ipso intellectu possibili; ergo differunt.  Hic dat secundam differentiam quae est fere eadem cum prima, scilicet talem: Intellectus agens non intelligit in tempore.  Et hoc est dicere quod non quandoque intelligit et quandoque non; sed intellectus possibilis quandoque intelligit et quandoque non. 

Separatus autem solum est [3.5.430a22]. Hic intendit tertiam differentiam, scilicet talem: Intellectus agens et secundum substantiam et secundum eius intelligere, quod est non per receptionem, est separabilis a corpore; sed intellectus possibilis, cum secundum substantiam sit separabilis, secundum suum intelligere quod est per receptionem ab imaginatione non est separabilis a corpore.

Fill in the blanks using words related to the Latin words from the passage.


1. As the contributor to the fund, he had a great deal of influence over the applications of the money.

2. That is a(n) consideration, coming only after health and safety.

3. Although I didn't want to question his , I felt compelled to point out his error.

4. Her was so sharp that she understood the key concepts of the class within a matter of days.

5. I'm not accusing you of being a(n) in the matter - I'm merely asking your whereabouts.

6. You can relax - we don't to do anything against your will.

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