William of Ockham

On Quantity

Latin Etymology

Quod primo persuadetur sic: frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora. Hoc enim est principium quod negari non debet, quia nulla pluralitas est ponenda nisi per rationem vel per experientiam vel per auctoritatem illius qui non potest falli, nec errare potest, [nec] convinci. Sed ex quo substantia potest esse quanta et similiter qualitas potest esse quanta sine tali quantitate distincta a substantia et qualitate, nec per rationem nec per experientiam potest convinci quod sit talis quantitas alia.

Answer the following questions pertaining to Latin vocabulary from the passage:

1. Paucity is a _______ of a quantity.

a. Small number
b. Large number

2. Plurality is ________

a. a quantity more than one
b. s single quantity

3. To Negate is to ______

a. Enhance
b. Nullify

4. To Annul something is to _______

a. Make a ring around something
b. To make something into nothing

5. One who errs ______

a. Makes a mistake
b. Is Terrifying

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