Robert Grosseteste and Robin Hood

Excerpted from Letter 126

View the Charter of the Forest Excerpt

And so your paternity knows that we refused the lord Robert Passelewe, manager of justice with regard to the forest of the lord the king (out of the duty of which manager of justice he justly inquires about the theft of hunting and greenery in the forest of the king, and causes those who are found guilty of a crime of this nature to be captured and imprisoned, and through his vote punishes not only laymen but also clergy, and performs other acts pertaining to such a duty) – who, having been introduced to us at the church of blessed Peter of Northampton, and having often been warned by us that he should desist from the execution of such a duty, being unwilling to obey our warnings – admittance to the aforementioned church, on account of the previously mentioned execution, illicit to him, and very many other causes. In this act, as we believe, in no way ought we to be accused of negligence, but rather to be praised for diligence in our pastoral responsibility.

Original Latin