William of Auvergne

On the Sting Ray

Latin Etymology

Sunt et alia innumera hujusmodi quae libri de secretis et mirabilibus animalium virtutibus continent. Horum igitur tibi rememorationem feci, ne forte ipsorum exemplo in opinionem creationis aut generationis inducaris.

Quod est dicere, ne propter hoc, quod intelligentias ponunt incomparabiliter nobiliorum ac majorum virtutum, quae sint animalium praenominatorum, cogi te credas ad opinandum vel concedendum quod hujusmodi creationes, quas eis imponunt, posse debeant intelligentiae, cum audiveris jam saepius animas canum et aranearum multa posse quae non possunt animae nostrae, licet nobilitate atque perfectione sint eis naturaliter incomparabiles.

Vulgare autem exemplum est in ferro et auro; ferrum manifestum est multa posse quae non potest aurum. Sic et auris potest quod non potest oculus, cum sit oculus aure multo nobilior. Et de his suppetit tibi exemplorum innumerabilis multitudo.

Use the following words to complete the sentences below. Good Luck!


1. A large number of radio talk show hosts are loud, overly , and at times downright rude!

2. Jamaal made a habit of on his hosts by constantly inviting himself over for dinner.

3. Michelle did not do her homework, nor did she pay attention in class, but her attendance was .

4. The knights of the king’s court were anything but goodly and , often they used to pillage his own kingdom.

5. There is currently a debate on whether or not Mark McGwire should be into the baseball hall of fame.

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