On the Trinity |
Excerpted from De Proprietatibus Rerum 1.2 |
As Innocent III said, there is therefore one true God, the eternal, immense, unchangeable, almighty, and ineffable, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, in fact three persons, but one essence, a substance with an entirely simple nature, the Father from nothing, the Son from the Father, and the Holy Spirit from both without beginning and end, the Father generated, the Son being generated, the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son. Hae tres personae sunt consubstantiales, coaeternae, omnipotentes, coaequales, unum universorum principium, creator omnium visibilium et invisibilium, spiritualium et corporalium creaturarum, qui sua virtute omnipotenti simul ab initio temporis utram que condidit creaturam, videlicet angelicam et mundanam, ac deinde humanam quasi communem ex spiritu et corpore constitutam. Huc usque Innocentius extra de sum. trini.c.i. |