On the Winds |
Excerpted from Causae et Curae 24:11-26:2 |
The four cardinal winds under the sun and above the sun aid the firmament and retain it and the whole world, namely the lower part all the way up to the higher part of the firmament, and they surround it as if with a cloak. For instance, the eastern wind takes in air and sends the sweetest dew onto dry lands. And the western wind mixes itself with the billowing clouds, in order to hold back the waters, so that they do not burst. And the southern wind controls fire under its rule and checks it, so that it does not burn up everything. And the northern wind holds the frosts outside, so that they do not exceed their boundaries. Those four winds are the powerful wings of god. When they are moved at the same time, they will mix all the elements together and divide them and shake the sea and dry up all the water. Sed nunc claue maiestatis dei clausi sunt, quatinus elementa in moderatione haerebant, nec super ullum homiem ullo periculo dominabuntur, nisi in fine seculi, quia tunc omnia purgabuntur, postea ipsi cantum in symphonia ferent; et nulla creatura est, que una sola proprietate consistat, quin plures habeat. Sed nichilum nullam proprietatem habet, in qua subsistat, et ideo nichil est; unde etiam aliae creaturae, quae uoluntate sua se nichilo coniungunt, proprietates suas perdunt et ad ncihilum fiunt. Firmamentum autem ignem, solem, lunam, stellas et uentos habet, per quae omnia consistit et quorum proprietatibus firmatur, ne dissipetur. Nam ut anima totum corpus hominis tenet, ita etiam uenti totum firmamentum continent, ne corrumpatur, et inuisibiles sunt, uelud etiam anima inuisibilis est de secreto dei ueniens. Et sicut domus absque angularibus lapidibus non constat, sic nec firmamentum nec terra nec abyssus nec totus mundus cum omnibus compositionibus suis absque his uentis esset, quia haec omnia cum ipsis conposita et retenta sunt. Nam terra tota scinderetur et rumperetur, si isti uenti non essent, quemadmodum etiam homo totus scinderetur, si ossa non haberet. Principalis enim uentus orientalis totam orientalem plagam continet, et principalis uentus occidentalis totam plagam occidentalem, ac principalis uentus australis totam plagam australem, atque principalis uentus septentrionalis totam plagam septentrionalem. Et unusquisque uentus istorum principalium duos alios debiliores sibi astantes uelud duo brachia habet, in quos interdum quasdam uires suas expirat. |