On Reptiles
On Reptiles
Name: __________________

Latin Grammar: Passive Verbs

Volatilia autem non dicuntur reptilia, quamvis videantur se ferre in aëre, … Et ideo volatilia sub reptilium nomine non comprehenduntur, nec etiam sub genere gressibilium, quia non moventur virtue pedum, sed virtute alarum.

Four verbs in the above passage are in the passive voice. Identify the person, number, voice, tense, and mood of each verb and then rewrite the verb in its active form.

VerbPersonNumberTenseVoiceMoodActive Form
1. dicuntur
2. videantur
3. comprehenduntur
4. moventur
Bonus: Identify which verb in the passage above is reflexive and therefore has a passive meaning:

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