Bartholomew the Englishman

On the Asp

Latin Grammar: Translation

Sed contra eius malitiam natura dedit remedium et medelam, hebetem enim dedit ei natura visum, nam oculos habet in temporibus, et non in fronte, et ideo non potest videre adversarium directe sed oblique, propter quod non potest bene persequi hostem visu, sed potius auditu persequitur vel olfactu, nam in his duobus sensibus magis videt, ut dicit idem.

Translate the passage above into logical, idiomatic English.

Your translation:

After reading the translation of the passage, how well do YOU think you did?

Very Well - A
Pretty Well - B
Okay - C
Pretty Poorly - D
Very Poorly - F

Make this exercise printable

The following vocabulary hints might be useful:

hebetem: hebes, hebetis; impaired, dull
ideo: therefore
idem: the same
malitiam: malitia, ae: malice, vice, wickedness
medalam: medela, ae: cure
persequi: persequor: pursue
potius: rather, instead
temporibus: temples, side of the head