Bartholomew the Englishman

On Bats

Latin Etymology

Dicit etiam glossa super Is. capite 2 [Isaiah 2:20, cf. Jerome, Glossa super Isaiam], quod vespertiliones lucem fugiunt, caeci enim sunt sicut et talpae. Pulverem lingunt, oleum de lampadibus sugunt, in rimulis parietum se abscondunt. Frigidissimae sunt naturae, unde sanguis vespertilionis linitus super palpebras non sint recrescere pilos, ut dicit Constantinus, et hoc forsan est quia sua frigiditate opilat poros, quibus opilatis non recrescunt pili.

Use the following words to complete the sentences below. Not all words will be used, but all are related to words in the text. Good Luck!


1. The CEO with millions of dollars from the company's accounts before he was finally stopped.

2. The farmer carefully inspected his field before planting, and made sure he any hard clumps of soil.

3. Johnny's coat was too to be of any use to him in the pounding rain.

4. Townsfolk stayed in their homes after hearing there was an armed and dangerous on the loose in their city.

5. Even though he had not gotten much sleep the night before, Biff was alert and in Latin class.

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