Unde verissime apparet, quod "sicut oculus vespertilionis se habet ad lucem, ita se habet oculus mentis nostrae ad manifestissima naturae" [Aristot., Metaph.]; quia assuefactus ad tenebras entium et phantasmata sensibilium, cum ipsam lucem summi esse intuetur, videtur sibi nihil videre; non intelligens, quod ipsa caligo summa est mentis nostrae illuminatio [Ps., 138, 11], sicut, quando videt oculus puram lucem, videtur sibi nihil videre.
Word Choice when Translating
Often the first meaning we learn for a Latin word does not convey the sense the author intended, particularly when we are looking at later developments in the Latin language.
The following common verbs, for example, can have meanings quite different from those you may have originally learned.
habeo, habere: have, possess, enclose
or, with se: to hold or keep one's self in a certain way; to behave
video, videre: see, understand or perceive
or, as videor (passive): seem or appear
Complete the following translation of the above passage, supplying the most logical translation of the highlighted verbs.
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