Bartholomew the Englishman

On the Brain

Latin Etymology

Ad defensionem autem cerebri fuerunt necessari duo panni, qui vocantur matres cerebri. Unus est grossus, scilicet dura mater. Hic cranio supponitur, sed in medio cerebro ingrossatur, et ad maiorem fortitudinem solidatur, non tamen immediate cum craneo coniungitur, immo potius suspenditur, et huc atque illuc circa cerebri substantiam dilatatur... Secundus panniculus dicitur pia mater, quae durae matri supponitur, quae mollior est dura matre. Unde substantiam cerebri circumvolvit et per dictas cellulas ab invicem separat et discernit.

In the following exercises, isolate the prefix of the word and type it in the box provided. Then, using the prefix as your guide, identify which of the given definitions is closest to the actual meaning of the word.

1. coniungitur :
a. to bind again
b. to bind together
c. to unbind
d. to bind afterwards

2. substantiam
a. to stand above
b. to stand under
c. to stand beside
d. to stand in

3. circumvolvit
a. to roll around
b. to roll backwards
c. to roll under
d. to roll again

4. necessari
a. to stop again
b. to unstop
c. not stoppable
d. to stop in

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