Bartholomew the Englishman

On the Dragon

Latin Etymology

Item, dicit idem quod Aethiopes utuntur sangine draconis contra fervorem aestus, et vescuntur eius carnibus contra diversos morbos. Sciunt enim separare venenum ab eius carne, nam solum habet venenum in lingua et in felle, et ideo amputant linguas et fella, quae receptiva sunt veneni, et sic abstracto veneno utuntur corpore reliquo, tam in medicina quam in cibo. Et hoc videtur tangere David, ubi dicit, “dedisti eum escam populis Aethiopum.”

Use the following English words, closely related to text in the Latin passage, to complete the sentences below:


. 1. Though the lecture was only related to the course, many students found it to be the most interesting talk of the year.

2. The speaker’s electrifying words drove the crowd into a .

3. After the teacher’s offensive remark, several angry students themselves from the lecture hall.

4. After his fall down the mountain, the climber had to his own leg in order to free himself from the icy crevasse.

5. If looks could kill, hers would be as as an asp.

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