On Dreams |
Latin Grammar: Infinitives |
Aliquando ex appetitu et affectione, ut famelicus somniat de cibo, ebrius, sitiens, de potu, et de eius contrario, quanto autem talis plus somniat bibere vel comedere, tanto expergefactus, vehementius esurire se reperit vel sitire. Aliquando ex vehementi studio et mentis circa aliquid applicatione, ut avarus semper somniat autem, semper videtur qui[d] computet pecuniam, vel quod augeat vel diminuat argentum suum. An infinitive may be used as a verbal noun, in which case it is considered an indeclinable neuter noun. It may either be used as a subject or object, and may be translated either with the preposition "to" or with an "-ing" ending, e.g.: videre: "to see" or "seeing." Translate each of the following phrases, using the "-ing" ending with the infinitive. N.B.: somniat = he dreams about; reperit = he finds himself |