On the Elements |
Excerpted from Causae et Curae Kaiser 39:15, Moulinier 68:1--69:20 |
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For God created the world with four elements, and indeed none can be separated from another, because the world would not able to stand, if one could be be separated from another. But rather they are inseparably held to each other. Fire, for instance, tends upward and rules and burns the air and is stronger than it. Air, in turn, is nearest to fire, and like a cloth-fuller makes it burn and also settles it down, because the fire is like a body for the air and also air is like the organs and also like the wings and feathers of fire. And just as the body cannot exist without its organs, so too fire cannot exist without air, because air is the agitator of fire, since fire would neither blaze nor burn, if it did not have air. Fire is also both the heat and the energy of water and it makes it flow, because water would not be liquid nor would it flow, but would be harder and more solid than iron and fetters, if it did not have the warmth of fire concealed inside itself; as indeed can be observed in ice. Aqua enim frigida erat et non fluebat in initio creaturarum, cum terra erat inanis et vacua, sed spiritus domini ferebatur super aquas et eas calefecit, ut ignem in se haberent et ut liquefacte fluerent Et idem frigus aquae naturaliter ex se emittit ignem et inde fervet. Nam aqua habet in se ignem et ignis in se naturaliter frigus aquae, quoniam aqua non flueret, si ignem in se non haberet, et ignis numquam extingueretur, sed semper arderet, si frigus aquae in eo non esset. Et ignis est etiam temperamentum terre fructus eius firmando et siccando atque ad maturitatem perducendo. Terra autem obstaculum ignis est, ne modum et mensuram suam transeat. Sed et aer est ventus et adiutorium aquae, sicut adiutorium ignis et retentaculum eius, ita quod retinet fluctuationem illius in recta mensura.Nam si aquam in recta mensura et itinere non teneret, illa supra modum efflueret et omnia, ad que pertingeret, submergeret. Aqua vero facit aerem agilem et velocem in volando et fertilem in sudando, ita quod ille dat terre fecunditatem, cum rorem ex se super eam emittit. Aer quoque est quasi pallium terre, quia estum et frigus ab ea depellit, cum illam temperat et cum terre rorem infusione sua immittit. Terra autem est velut spongia et materia, que attrahit et suscipit fecunditatem ab illo, quoniam, si terra non esset, er officium suum, quo terram fecundat, non haberet. Sed aqua coagulatio terre est et constringit et domat eam, ne diffluat. Terra vero sustinet et continet aquam et facit ei recta itinera et est sustentatio eius superius, ut rectum iter habeat, et sub se, ne iniuste ascendat. Nam subtus se obumbrat illam et super se continet eam. Ros autem, qui terram fecundat, ut supra dictum est, de temperamento ignis et aeris venit. |