Veni, filia, et impone tibi coronam factam ex septem lapidibus preciosis. Quid vero est corona nisi probacio patientie, quae ex tribulationibus conflatur et a Deo coronis adornatur?
"Primus igitur lapis coronae tue est iaspis; quem apposuit tibi ille qui contumeliose tibi dixit se nescire, quo spiritu loquebaris, et esse tibi utilius mulierum more subtiliter filare quam de scripturis disputare.
1. The imperative is generally formed from the present stem: remove the "-re" from the infinitive; add "-te" for the plural form (sede/sedete
2. a negative command if formed from the infinitive plus noli (sing) or nolite (plural) (noli sedere/ nolite sedere)
3. The future imperative is formed from the present stem plus "to" (sing.) or "tote" (plural) (sedeto/sedetote)
4. a deponent imperative is formed from the stem plus "-re" in the singular and "-mini" in the plural (sequere/sequimini)
5. "duc," "dic," "fac," and "fer" are the irregular imperatives of duco, dico, facio, and fero
Change the following singular commands to plural, plurals to singular:
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