Ipsum autem quo est ad maius et ad minus triplex est, puta efficiens a quo est, forma per quam est, finis ad quem est, secundum illud: ex quo omnia, per quem omnia in quo omnia, Augustinus. Causa quidem efficiens foras descendit a ratione sive proprietate patris in deitate, ubi nec causa nec efficiens est, sed ratio causandi et efficiendi, secundum illud Eph. 3: 'ex quo omnis paternitas in caelo et in terra'.
In the passage above, the coordinating conjunctions are in bold. These
conjunctions can either be copulative (linking two words together) or
adversative (expressing a contrary point). Choose whether the
conjunctions are adversative or copulative. If they are copulative,
give the two words the conjunction is connecting.
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