Ecce, amantissime Domine, talentum tuae dignantissimae familiaritatis mihi extremae vilitatis indignae creditum, amore amoris tui ad lucrum laudis tuae tam in praescriptis quam in postpositis expono; quia, ut certe spero, de gratia tua secure profiteri, audeo, quod nunquam ulla causa me compulit talia scribere vel dicere, nisi tantummodo consensus voluntatis tuae, et desiderium laudis tuae, ac zelus animarum.
Essential to the craft of translation is the knowledge of parts of speech and, having determined that, the ability to identify the correct case in which a specific noun, pronoun, or adjective is written. Identify the case of each word in the list below, taken in order from the above passage.
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