On the Gryphon |
Latin Grammar: esse |
Gryphes est animal pennatum et quadrupes in hyperboreis partibus sive montibus nascens, omni parte corporis sunt leones, alis tantum et capite aquilis assimilantur. Equis vehementer sunt infesti, et vivos homines discerpunt, ut dicit Isidor. lib.12 [Etymologies 12.2]. Adeo autem infestat equum, ut ait Huguitio. quod equitem armatum cum eo rapiat in sublime ut dicit glo. super Deut. 14[:12]. Custodiunt autem gryphes montes, in quibus sunt gemmae preciosae, ut smaragdi et iaspides, nec permittunt eas auferri exinde. Unde dicit Isidor. [Etymologies] lib. 14. cap.3 esse An accurate reading of any manuscript requires the correct translation of the important verb esse, since it is used so very often, either alone or in combination with other verbs. Complete the chart below, giving the third person plural active forms of esse in the indicative and subjunctive moods. The present tense is done for you. |