Ad probandum ecclesiam Romanam posse errare nonnulli plures rationes adducunt. Quorundam autem ratio fundamentalis est quedam ratio saepe tacta superius ad assertiones alias ostendendas, que talis est. Illud quod promittitur toti et nulli parti non debet alicui parti attribui etiam principaliori. Sed numquam errare contra fidem toti congregacioni fidelium promissum fuit a Christo, et nulli parti fuit hoc promissum.
Purpose clauses with the gerundive and the subjunctive
The gerundive with ad can be used to express purpose. So above, we have the sentence probandum ecclesiam Romanam posse errare nonnulli plures raciones adducunt.
"In order to prove that the Roman church can err, some people apply many methods."
Remember that the gerundive (a verbal adjective) should always agree with the noun it modifies. So above probandum agrees with the (neuter) infinitive posse.
A more concrete example above is
Quorundam autem racio fundamentalis est quedam racio saepe tacta superius ad asserciones alias ostendendas.
“Some people's basic method is a method often touched on above in order to show other assertions.”
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