Cum autem ipsa penetrat intelligendo materiam primam et ceteras materias dat eis formas in effectu quae erant in seipsa. Hoc autem quod nos principaliter intendimus sunt illae formae, sed hoc non fuit possibile hic nisi per esse generationis harum materiarum.
Adverbs formed from adjectives can sometimes be difficult to detect. Remember that adverbs are formed from first and second declension by adding -e to the base and from third declension adjectives by adding -iter. The comparative degree is more difficult to recognize because it is the same as the neuter of the comparative adjective (ending in -ius). The superlative adverb is derived from the superlative adjective and adds -e to that base. Fill in the following table to refresh adverb formation. Make sure to keep an eye out for irregular forms.
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