Bartholomew the Englishman

On Leprosy

Latin Etymology: Matching and Sentence Completion

Nascitur lepra a causis variis, praeterquam ab humoribus praedictis, sicut ex cohabitatione et convictu et frequenti confabulatione cum leprosis, contagiosus enim est morbus et aliorum infectivus. ... Aliquando accidit ab extrinseco, sicut ex aere corrupto et infecto ex mala diaeta, ut ex cibis melancholicis nimis frigidis et siccis, ut ex carne bovina, asinina, ursina, et huiusmodi. Aliquando accidi ex cibis corruptis et corruptioni obedientibus, ut ex carne porcina granulis infecta et superseminata, et vino impuro et corrupto. Aliquando ex morsu alicuius reptilis humorum et membrorum substantiam corrumpentis.

Match the Latin words from the passage above with English words related to them.

1. ursina a. morsel
2. nascitur b. ursine
3. contagiosus c. infection
4. morsu d. nascent
5. infecta e. contagious
    f. None of the Above

Use the English words to complete the sentences below.

1. Shortly after the American Revolution, the writing of the Constitution guided our republic into a brave new world.

2. Don't go to school if you have the chicken pox – they're highly and could lead to everyone in class catching them!

3. The doctor poured alcohol on the would to prevent .

4. Since he didn't to spoil his appetite, Bobby nibbled on the tender crab put out as hors d'oeuvres

5. Billy's fear of all creatures could be traced back to the camping trip when his tent was destroyed by a grizzly.

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