On Leprosy |
Introduction by Juris Lidaka, Courtney Roby, and Rega Wood |
Constantine the AfricanBartholomew follows in the tradition of Greek and Arabic medical knowledge made available to Europeans by Constantine the African. Constantine was born in Carthage around 1015-20 CE. Carthage was under Arab rule, but Constantine was a Christian and learned Latin. Later in Constantine's life (c. 1070-1080?), he entered the monastery founded by St. Benedict at Monte Cassino. There, he translated many medical works from Arabic into Latin. Quite a few of these were Greek works that had previously been translated into Arabic. The Greek authors were known, but Europeans owed their access to them to Constantine’s efforts. Constantine's sources were Arabic physicians. In the case of leprosy, Ali ibn al-Abbas al-Magusi was their major source, many of whose works were translated by Constantine. In this text Bartholomew follows Constantine, one of his chief medical sources. After describing the forms leprosy can take, he notes the vectors of infection and their recommended treatments. Oddly, Bartholomew does not discuss leper houses or hospitals, where lepers were largely isolated from the general population. Confusion about CausesNot knowing about the bacillus that causes leprosy, Bartholomew can identify the sickness only by the symptoms. When discussing the causes of leprosy, Bartholomew considers contagion first but then he discusses other sources of disease that produced humoral imbalance:
Most significantly from a political point of view, medievals thought that leprosy could be caused by divine displeasure. Thomas ŕ Becket, for example, warned King Henry II that he might be struck by leprosy for his sins. Social Responses to LeprosyThe social response to leprosy varied. Some Christians told sinners they might contract the disease as a punishment for their offenses. Other Christians made a religious practice of showing compassion for lepers by bathing and embracing them. Two thirteenth-century saints were famous for serving lepers: Saint Louis of France and St. Francis of Assisi. Francis’ Testament begins by explaining the sight of leper was offensive to him only while he was in sin: “This is how the Lord gave me, brother Francis, the power to do penance. When I was in sin the sight of lepers was too bitter for me. And the Lord himself led me among them, and I pitied and helped them. And when I left them I discovered that what had seemed bitter to m e was changed into sweetness in my soul and body. And shortly afterward I rose and left the world.”1 Other Christians moved by compassion founded leprosaria. Lanfranc of Bec, a great Archbishop of Canterbury (d. 1089), founded a famous leprosarium at Harbledown near Canterbury, which was one of the first independent hospitals in England. No doubt much good was done by such hospitals, but they also isolated lepers (and people suspected of having leprosy) from the rest of society. In 1175, the English church decreed that lepers could not live among the healthy. So the leprosaria were a mixed blessing:
leprosaria: communities with a care center or hospital for lepers apart from the rest of society
1. Courtesy of the Medieval Sourcebook.
Bibliography C. Burnett, The Introduction of Arabic Learning into England, London 1997. Constantine the African and Ali ibn al-Abbas al-Magusi: The Pantegni and Related Texts, ed C. Burnett and D. Jacquart Studies in Ancient Medicine, vol. 10. Leiden1994. C. Rawcliffe, Leprosy in Medieval England, Woodbridge, Suffolk and Rochester, NY, 2006.