Et quidam pilos deponuntur, quidam vero non; alii carnem consumunt, alii et pruriginem et scabiem pariunt et furfures, alii morfeas nigras sive rufas seu albas, alii impetiginem latam gignunt, nigram quoque et pessimam. Quidam et cutem crepant et eam reddunt fluidam, alii non; quidam et ungulas deponunt et quidam corpus desiccant totum.
There are three degrees by which an adjective can be described: Positive, Comparative, and Superlative. The best explanation of this can be given by the example of the Latin clarus, meaning "clear." The comparative of clarus is clarior, meaning "clearer." And the superlative of clarus is clarissimus, meaning "the clearest." Grammatically, this form is regular, meaning that it is formed by adding –issimus/a/um to the stem of an adjective. There are exceptions to this rule (depending upon the how the Latin word ends), but the words in this exercise will all be formed with the regular endings described above.
Supply the Latin superlative adjective and noun for each English phrase listed. The base form of the sentence is given.
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