Bartholomew the Englishman

On the Maid

Latin Etymology

Et mulier quia est maioris pietatis quam vir, eiicit citius lacrymas, et magis est invida, et magis diligit, et malicia animae magis est in muliere quam in viro, et est debilis spei, et est magis mendax, et inverecunda, et maioris segniciei quam vir, et tardioris motus, ut dicit Aristoteles libro 8.

Use the following words to complete the sentences below. Good Luck!


1. The of the churchgoer was nothing but a sham; during the rest of the week he was a picture of lasciviousness.

2. Frequent to work will result in your getting fired, so it’s best to get in the habit of being punctual at school.

3. It is wise for the teacher to know that his students are when giving excuses for not doing their homework.

4. Though Sally could never admit it, she was incredibly of Amy’s perfect boyfriend and grades.

5. The long illness the once vigorous, vibrant young man.

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