William of Auvergne

On the Music of the Spheres

Latin Etymology

Multis autem viis et modis positio ista destruitur, et primum quia similia non solum fastidiunt, sed etiam contristant animas nostras. Amplius, secundum hoc in solis numerabilibus et mensurabilibus esse delectatio animabus nostris. Quare in simplicibus et incorporalibus, scilicet, quantitatem non habentibus, nulla esset eis delectatio; quare nec in scientiis, nec in virtutibus, nec etiam in ipso creatore. Amplius, quemadmodum animae nostrae tantis studiis consonantias exquirunt et instrumenta musicalia sibi fabricant amore suavitatis musicalis, sic et multo amplius anima illa consonantias istas exquiret et potissimum naturae suae et compositioni congruentissimas, ita ut si possibile esset, harmonicas melodias omnes coelos faceret resonare.

Use the following words, related to words from the passage, to complete the sentences below.


1.  The textile factory produced enough to make clothing for several million people.

2.  The gentleman impressed us all with his courtesy and articulation.

3.  Jim was having trouble with geometry until he understood that angles had the same angles in degrees.

4.  Even though he was from a different country and grew up in a different time, the speaker's experience with the children because they understood he had experienced similar things.

5. I don't have a problem with the quality of your work, but the is unacceptable.

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