William of Auvergne

On the Music of the Spheres

Latin Grammar: Subject and Verb Review

1. Hinc est quod, cum Plato credidisset nihil nisi
2. suo simili delectari naturaliter, credidit animas
3. nostras propter vehementissimas
4. delectationes, quas habent animae nostrae in
5. consonantiis simillimas esse ipsis, et propter
6. hoc compositas esse ex consonantiis
7. musicalibus, et inde etaim idem de anima
8. mundi sensit, addens ipsi mundo velut
9. musicam duplicem.

Subject and Verb Review
From the paragraph above, select the subject (listed or implied) for each of the verbs listed below. Enter the corresponding letter in the box.

  verb line subject   options
1. est 1 A. animae
2. credidisset 1 B. he, Plato*
3. delectari 2 C. Plato
4. credidit 2 D. it*
5. habent 4 E. they, animae*
6. esse 5 F. nihil
7. esse 6    
8. sensit 8    


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