Albert the Great

On the Ostrich

Latin Grammar: Numbers

Est autem alta a pedibus ad dorsum forte ad quinque vel sex pedes: sed collum habet longissimum et caput anserinum et rostrum respectu sui corporis valde parvum.

With the exception of unus (a, um), duo (ae, o), tres (tria) and the numbers compounded with centum (ducenti, ae, a--etc.), Latin numbers are indeclinable.

Review the Latin numbers with the following exercise, completing the math with the correct answer. Use the Latin word for the number. Follow the example given.

duo + tres = quinque

1. quinque + quattuor =
2. decem - tres =
3. septem + octo =
4. viginti- tres =
5. quinquaginta + quattuor =
6. triginta septem - sex =
7. quattuordecim + quinque =
8. sexaginta tres - sexaginta duo =
9. novem + duodecim =
10. undecim + duo =

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