Dominus respondeit: "ut consideres quam inaestimabilibus amoris stimulis compulsus hoc tam praenobile donum porrigo: quod si incongruum non esset ad dicendum, post hoc donum magis eligerem mortuus remanere quam hoc donum ab amante anima continere.
In the above passage, the word donum is in the accusative case because it is the direct object of the verb porrigo. Unlike English, which uses word order to indicate a word's function in the sentence, Latin uses a series of cases. The accusative case indicates a direct object, the noun upon which the verb is directly acting. In English, the direct object in a sentence almost always follows the verb. Indicate the direct object in the following English sentences, which would be in the accusative case in Latin. The answer should be given in English.
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