Hildegard of Bingen

On Pepper and Cumin

Latin Etymology

Piper valde calidum est et aridum, et quamdam praecipitationem in se habet, et multum comestum laedit hominem, et pleurisim in eo parat, et humores in eo destituit, ac malos humores in eo facit. Si quis spleneticus est, et qui cibos in fastidio habet, ita quod eum non libet comedere, iste in aliquo cibo cum pane piper modice comedat, et in splene melius habebit, et fastidium comedendi ponet.

Use the following English words, closely related to text in the Latin passage, to complete the sentences below:


1. The gentleman was disgusted by the state in which the guests left his room.

2. The teacher assigned homework over the break, a grin lighting up his face.

3. The mafia hit men threw Jimmy the Rat over the steep as his punishment for talking to the police.

4. The desert was even more than usual during the months of drought.

5. After the stock market crashed, the former Wall Street executive went from billionaire status to being completely .

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