Hildegard of Bingen

On the Planets and the Firmament

Latin Etymology

Stelle enim multa signa interdum in se ostendunt secundum quod homines in operibus suis se tunc habent. Sed nec futura nec cogitationes hominum ostendunt, sed ea tantum, que homo iam aut ostensa uoluntate aut in uoce aut in opere facit, quoniam aer illa excipit. Et stellis tribuit ille, quod statim eo modo ostendunt opera hominis. Stellas autem deus, ad seruitutem hominis fecit, ut ei lucerent et ministrarent. Et ideo etiam opera eius ostendunt, uelut seruus uoluntatem et opus domini sui manifestat. Nam sicut  anima in corpore hominis primum lucet et tunc in opus procedit, ita etiam et stelle in firmamento fulgent et opera hominis ostendunt, cum homo iam operatur.

Use the following words to complete the sentences below. Good Luck!


1.  Tommy looked great in a uniform, but he was a poor .

2.  When the bald guy finished jogging, his forehead was so that he blinded onlooking motorists.

3   Julie's teacher applauded her effort on her science project.

4.  The doctor came in, stinking of gin, and to lie on the table.

5.  The lottery winner made an display of his new wealth.

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