William of Auvergne

On Providence

Latin Etymology

Sicut autem in eis quae casualiter evenire videntur, videlicet in occursionibus hominum improvisis et in aliis quae praeter intentionem et cognitionem nostram eveniunt, sic respondendum est de casu piscium in retia atque ferarum in reticula, videlicet cur potius hic quam ille vel haec quam illa incidit in ea. Quemadmodum, quae sit causa quare huiusmodi homo obviavit isti in foro, cum ab eo non quaereretur, nec de eo etiam cogitasset. Manifestum enim est quia eadem hora, eadem via, quoscumque e diverso ambulantes, necesse est sibi occurrere, et potuerunt esse eis diversae causae ambulationis...

For each sentence below, choose the pair of words that makes the most sense in the sentence. The correct pair must be related to words in the passage above.

1. When on safari in Kenya, it's not unusual to see a _________ giraffe stride _________ by.

reticulated .... casually

2. When I realized that her _________ was actually to insult me, I had to _________ a snappy reply.


3. It _________ to me during history class that the 19th-century concept of _________ Destiny was, to paraphrase Henry Ford, bunk.


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