Bartholomew the Englishman

On the Rainbow

Latin Etymology

Iris est impressio generata ex nube concava et rorida, ad pluvias praeparata in stillicidiis infinitis, tanquam in speculo relucens, habens figuram arcualem, varios calores exprimens a radiis solaribus, vel lunae generata, sed a radiis Lunae causatur ratio, quia non nisi bis in quinquaginta annis, ut dicit Aristoteles. Arcus itaque caelestis est nubes aquosa per omnes sui partes Solis radiis penetrata, ut dicit Marc. et dicitur arcus a similitudine curvati arcus, nam quandam convexitatem in summitate nubium praetendit et cornua quaedam reprimit ad terram, et extendit, ut dicit Isidorus. 

Complete the sentences below using the following English words, related to Latin words used in the text above.


1. Robin Hood was a renowned , famous for his use of a long bow.

2. When a flat surface bulges outward, we refer to the shape as .

3. A bicyclist uses his legs to power to move himself forward.

4. When a flat surface curves inward, we refer to the shape as .

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