Bartholomew the Englishman

On the Rainbow

Latin Etymology

Nam in Iride, propter eius transparentiam et dyaphaneitatem, refulgent species et formae sibi oppositae et obiectae, et ideo arcus apparet coloratus, nam secundum Bedam colorem contrahit ex quatuor elementis, nam in ipso velut in speculo formae et species elementorum relucent. Unde ex igne contrahit colorem rubeum in supremo, ex terra viridem in infimo, ex aere vero Hyacinthinum, et ex aqua caeruleum in medio, ut dicit Beda. Et hi colores sunt ad invicem coordinati secundum Aristoteles in libris Meteororum. Primo enim est color rubeus seu vinosus, qui sit ex radio tangente superficiem rotunditatis nubis, deinde sequitur color mixtus, scilicet blaveus vel caeruleus, secundum qualitatem vincentem et dominantem in vapore existente in medio nubis, deinde apparet in infimo color viridis, in inferiori parte nubis, ubi vapor magis est terrestris, et hi colores sunt principaliores aliis, quia secundum Philosophum multos alios habet colores, inter quos distinguere sensui est difficile, esicut ideo dicit Philosophus, quod nullus pictor potest depingere colores arcus sive fingere....

Complete the sentences below using the following English words, related to Latin words used in the text above.


1. A writer can use words to a scene as colorfully as a visual artist.

2. It is sometimes difficult for us to between people we can trust and people we should not.

3. An object that is allows light to pass through, but does not allow us to see clearly what is behind it.

4. An object that is allows light to pass through it so that we can see anything behind it.

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