On the Rainbow |
Excerpted from De iride |
In general, then, there will be four translucent [media] through which the sun's ray penetrates, namely pure air containing mist, secondly the mist itself, thirdly the highest and most rarefied part of the dew coming from mist, and fourthly the lower and denser part of that same dew. Then it is necessary from the things which were said earlier about the refraction of the ray and the size of the angle of the refraction at the boundary of the two translucent [media], that the solar rays are first broken at the boundary of air and mist, and then at the boundary of mist and dew, so that the rays connect through these refractions in the density of the dew, and after they are again broken as though by a pyramidal cone, they pour out not in the rounded pyramid of the second [stage], but in a form similar to the curved surface of a rounded pyramid, a form which is opened up opposite to the sun. And therefore its shape is that of a bow, and where we are the rainbow appears in the south. Et perspectivi et physici est speculatio de iride. Sed ipsum quid physici est scire, propter quid vero perspectivi. Propter hoc Aristoteles in libro meteorologicorum non manifestavit propter quid, quod est perspectivi, sed ipsum quid, de iride, quod est physici, in brevem sermonem coarctavit. Ideoque in praesenti ipsum propter quid, quod attinet ad perspectivum, pro modulo nostro et temporis opportunitate suscepimus explicandum. Quanta autem sit radii angulariter adiuncti a recto incessu declinatio, sic imaginabimur. Intelligamus radium ab oculo per medium aëris secundum diaphanum incidentem in continuum et directum protrahi et a puncto, in quo incidit super diaphanum, lineam protrahi in profunditatem illius diaphani, quae cum superficie diaphani ex omni parte faciat angulos aequales. Diversitas vero unius iridis ad aliam in coloribus suis tum accidit ex puritate et impuritate diaphani recipientis, tum ex claritate et obscuritate luminis imprimentis. Si enim fuerit diaphanum purum et lumen clarum, erit color eius plus assimilatus albedini et luci. Si vero fuerit diaphanum recipiens habens permixtionem vaporum fumosorum et claritas luminis fuerit pauca, sicut accidit prope ortum et occasum, erit color minoris splendoris et magis obfuscatus. |