
On Reptiles

Latin Grammar: Case Endings

Unde potest sic sumi divisio animalium quantum ad motum, quia animal aut movet se anterius trahendo, et sic est reptile, sive sit in aquis sive in terra, aut impellendo, et hoc dupliciter: aut pedibus, et sic est gressibile; aut alis, et sic est volatile.

In the passage above, the case endings on the words in bold could apply to more than one case for that word. State which cases are possible given the endings and then, using the context of the passage, identify the appropriate case for each word.

1. trahendo
Case One:
Case Two:
Correct Case:

2. aquis
Case One:
Case Two:
Correct Case:

3. terra
Case One:
Case Two:
Case Three:
Correct Case:

4. impellendo
Case One:
Case Two:
Correct Case:

5. pedibus
Case One:
Case Two:
Correct Case:

6. alis
Case One:
Case Two:
Correct Case:

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