Hildegard of Bingen

On Rivers


Sed tamen si eadem aqua in cibis aut in potibus sumitur, aut si caro hominis balneo aut lavatione faciei perfunditur, eam inflat et tumidam facit, et distortam aut nigram facit, ac etiam carnes cum ea coctas nigras facit et inflat, quia aspera est, et carnem hominis cito pertransit.

Given below are five english words that are derivitive from five latin words in the passage. Identify their root word by typing it as it occurs in the text, then fill in the word swhere they would best complete one of the sentences below.


  1. The speaker's argument was full of unsupported assertions and uneducated about the state of the world – his argument was torn to shreds during the questioning period.
  2. Many scientists say that before modern man evolved, we had several ancestors such as Neanderthals.
  3. In many African countries, thousands of people die due to a lack of water, either from dehydration or from the contaminants they pick up when drinking the dirty water they can obtain
  4. The disobedient pupils certainly made it rough on the teacher.
  5. The sign instructed all employees to wash their hands after visiting the .

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