Deinde est vis memorialis et reminiscibilis; quae est vis ordinata in posteriori concavitate cerebri, retinens quod apprehendit vis aestimationis de intentionibus non sensatis singulorum sensibilium. Comparatio autem virtutis memorialis ad virtutem aestimationis talis es qualis comparatio virtutis quae vocatur imaginatio ad sensum, et comparatio huius |AL 90| virtutis ad intentiones est quali comparatio illius virtutis ad formas sensibiles.
The paragraph above contains words you may not have seen before, like reminiscibilis. Two strategies you can use to determine the meaning of words like this are:
- break the word down to a basic form (put it in the "dictionary" form and remove suffixes like -bilis and -tas)
- use English cognates to help figure out the meaning
The Latin reminiscibilis may remind you of the English "reminisce" (recollect). And indeed, the English comes from a Latin verb reminiscor, "I recollect." The suffix -bilis means "able to do or be done," so that unfamiliar reminiscibilis is an adjective meaning "making recollection possible."
Exercise: Find the Latin verb (first principal part) or adjective that the following words are derived from, and the verb's English cognate.
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