Peter Abelard

On Sin

Latin Etymology

Unde bona intentio sit dicenda
Sunt autem qui bonam vel rectam intentionem esse arbitrantur quotiescumque se aliquis bene agere credit, et Deo placere id quod facit, sicut et illi qui martires persequebantur, de quibus Veritas in Evangelio, ...Qualium ignorantiae Apostolus quidem compatiens ait, ... hoc est, magnum fervorem habent ac desiderium in his faciendis quae Deo placere credunt. ...

The Latin word "rectus" means "right" and gives us many English words.


1. His good character gave him an air of

2. Joseph discussed his dilemma with the of his parish.

3. John replaced the money he stole from his employer in an attempt to the situation.

4. The recipe was on the page of the cookbook.

5. Fred strained a in his leg.

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