Et Commentator ibidem dicit quod logicam, quae docet modum omnium scientiarum, debet quis addiscere ante omnes alias scientias, ad quam pertinet trivium. Dicit etiam in VI Ethicorum quod mathematica potest sciri a pueris, non autem physica, quae experimentum requirit.
Unlike English, which uses word order to associate nouns and adjectives, Latin requires that all adjectives agree with the nouns that they describe in gender, number, and case. Since Latin does not have a set word order, the adjective may or may not be next to the noun which it modifies. Note that the endings for adjectives and nouns do not always agree, such as omnes above, which modifies scientias. Decline the following adjectives to agree with the given noun. If the noun can be more than one case, give the adjective in all possible cases.
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