Bartholomew the Englishman

On Sulfur

Latin Etymology

Sulphur est vena terrae aeritatis multum habens in sus compositione et igneitatis, et ideo vocatur sulphur secundum Isidorum, quali solum urens.  Ur enim ignis dicitur nam eius virtus ignea ab aquis feruentibus fentitur. Nam aquarum cursus per venas sulphureas transitum faciens, ex vi ignea ipsius sulphuris candorem vel calorem contrahit, saporem, efficacia et odorem, hinc fontes calidi de terrae visceribus saepe scaturiunt, et qualitates venae sulphureae fecum ferunt, nulla enim resita cito accenditur sicut sulphur.  In insulis nascitur Aeolinsinter Siciliam & Italiam, quas atdere dicunt, in aliis locis etiam effossam invenitur, ut dicit Isidorus.

Fill in the missing word in the sentences below, using these English words related to Latin words in the text.


1. The grizzled old tin prospector finally found the rich of ore he had sought his whole life.

2. A rock that has been formed through volcanic activity is called an rock.

3. Some students have difficulty with the between high school and college life.

4. We thought it was a bad idea for Ahmed to fix the computer with his hammer, but his method turned out to be quite .

5. Prince Murgatroyd kneeled before the and was baptized by the archbishop.

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