Bartholomew the Englishman

On Sulfur

Latin Etymology

Sulphur autem aliud est vivum scilicet, quale est, quando de terra est eductum. Aliud est mortuum vel extinctum, scilicet quod solet fieri artificiose, scilicet quod in calamos funditur vel in alia vasa. Eligendum autem est pro medicina vivum, colore et resplendens, perlucidum, et fine lapide album vel veride, quod missum in ignem, colorem facit vitidem atque pinguem.  Virtutem habet dissolvendi, consumendi, attrahendi, subtilandi, attenuandi, reformandi vel recuperandi. Et ideo tussim prohibet, epilepticos iuvat, scabiem purgat, venenis obviat, lethargicos excitat, arteticos, podagricos, paralyticos iuvat, si modo debito medicinaliter ipsius remedio quis utatur, ut dicit Avicenna et Dioscor, et Plato et alii autores.

Notice the wide range of illnesses that Bartholemew believes sulfur can treat.  From the latin text, can you use the words provided to complete this Dr. Bart's sentences?  


1.  First of all, you can move your arms and legs, you're not experiencing any of your extremities?

2. You've been too busy, you've felt and fatigued recently .

3. Can you think of any  unusual foods or medication that you have in the past 48 hours?

4. No, I think you're probably too young for the pain in your wrists and fingers to be .

5. We'll want you to stay in the hospital and rest for two days if there is surgery, so you can .

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