Peter Abelard

On the Trinity

Latin Grammar: Noun-Adjective Agreement

[1.36] Revolvatur et ille maximus philosophorum Plato, qui testimonia sanctorum patrum prae ceteris gentium philosophis fidei christianae accedens, totius trinitatis summam post prophetas patenter edocuit, ubi videlicet mentem, quam "noym" vocat, ex deo natum atque ipsi coaeternam esse perhibuit, id est filium, quem sapientiam dicimus, ex deo patre aeternaliter genitum.

Match the adjectives in the chart below with the nouns they modify. Several are directly from the passage above. Note especially the gender, number and case of each adjective in order to match it correctly.

1. maximus A. verbis
2. sanctorum B. patrum
3. Christianae C. personam
4. tertiam D. Maria
5. his E. Plato
6. hoc F. populos
7. sancta G. fidei
8. reprobos H. regnum
9. magnum I. patres
10. parvi J. philosopho

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