Hildegard of Bingen

On the Winds

Latin Etymology

Principalis enim uentus orientalis totam orientalem plagam continet, et principalis uentus occidentalis totam plagam occidentalem, ac principalis uentus australis totam plagam australem, atque principalis uentus septentrionalis totam plagam septentrionalem. Et unusquisque uentus istorum principalium duos alios debiliores sibi astantes uelud duo brachia habet, in quos interdum quasdam uires suas expirat.

Use the following words to complete the sentences below. Good Luck!


1. One of the continents is named for its location in the southern hemisphere.

2. The room had no windows and was almost completely sealed off; it was poorly .

3. From a European point of view, Asian countries are all .

4. From an Asian perspective, all European countries are all .

5. Bobby was once very strong, but he was by years of heavy smoking.

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