"Accidentia vero quorum fundamenta sunt alia accidentia, sicut claritas in tinctura, et curvitas in linea: modus existentiae ipsorum est nimis occultus: quanto magis cum fuerit additum istis quam accidens quod est fundamentum, fit non stabile, sed fit in successione: tunc enim res magis latebit.
"Dua vero res coniungunt in tempore simul, quod est accidens cohaerens motui: et motus est accidens rei mobilis: neque motus est sicut albedo et nigredo quod est genus quietum: sed veritas motus per se exigit ut non quiescat ullo modo, etiam in ictu oculi."
In the above passages, 12 of the 14 verbs used are in the present tense. Of these verbs in the present tense, 7 of them are from the verb esse. The present tense of the verb esse should be very familiar to the reader-but what about the other tenses? Review your conjugations for the verb esse and then (without your book!) give the proper conjugated form from the verb esse for each of the following questions.
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