Aliquando ex cerebri perturbatione, ut patet in dispositis ad phrenesim et maniam, qui mira somniant et inaudita, secundum enim vaporem cellulam phantasticam inficientem vel immutantem, ipsa somnia immutantur. Aliquando ex sanguinis infectione, qui enim corruptum habent sanguinem, somniant se ambulare per loca immunda, corruptionem habentia et foetorem. Aliquando ex aeris immutatione, aer enim ad immutationem dispositus, corpus immutat ad eandem immutationem.
In this exercise, you will be presented with a Latin word from the text as well as several English words. Identify which of the English words are related to the Latin by checking the box next to them. For each question, there will be only one correct answer.